Tuesday 29 September 2009

Idle Reserve Game 2 : 2nd Rated Match

This time at Idle Working Men's club


B33: Sicilian, Pelikan (Lasker/Sveshnikov) variation
This was an almost textbook opening, giving me an advantage, unfortunatly I chose not to take dxe8 on move 9, this would've given me a decisive advantage.


I was a bit on the back foot, I gave away my rook to discover-check and take the queen but it didn't work entirely as planned.


I believe I made a mistake on move 32, not taking the bishop at b7, crafty suggested that taking e6 with the rook would've worked (protected by the knight)

It was a lot harder game than last week.
I could've done better here, according to crafty I could've gotten a draw out of it.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Idle Reserve Game : First Rated Match

On Tuesday I went down to the Bingley, Andy Wainwright arranged for me to take part in a friendly with the Idle Reserves.


C41 - Philidor's defense

According to chess databases, my 3rd move (Nc3) was weaker (39.5% chance of winning) than the more played alternatives d4 or Bc4 (both at 48.7%).


Black's move 12 was big mistake, allowing a checked fork, and gave me the advantage


On move 35 I missed checkmate by a move
Rather than take the rook with the rook, all i needed to do was move the queen to h7 (which was protected by the knight)